Codiac Chronicles  

Issue 4

Author Spotlight

November 2014

A story teller of mystery and suspense, new writer Pierre C. Arseneault hopes to continue pursuing his passion of creating for many years to come. Take a closer look at the creative side of Pierre, our Author Spotlight in the November 2014 issue of Codiac Chronicles.

Pierre C Arseneault
Photo by Gerard Gaudet

Pierre C. Arseneault is a published writer since 2013. His works include a collaborative book, Dark Tales for Dark Nights, as well as his newly released collection of short stories Sleepless Nights. Both of which can be found on or on his publisher Artemesia Publishing's website at

Pierre is also a freelance cartoonist and artist:

Pierre can also be found on Facebook.

Sleepless Nights

(Click on book cover above to be redirected to publishing company website.)

What is causing the mysterious murders in the university town of Stonevalley? An amateur bird watcher finds more than birds in Pine Glen Forest. Is there more going on to explain the strange happenings for residents of Sleepy Meadows? Two friends struggle with the impending fate neither can escape. Step into the future as detectives investigate a murder in the Hollywood Hills. A brain damaged young hockey player’s troubles bring his mother to her wits end. Can a homeless man convince the police of a crime revealed to him by his special gift? Why has a normal boy suddenly stopped talking? And in the sleepy little town of Carlton – where nothing much ever happens – the threat of an escaped psychopath overshadows the schemes being plotted behind the police chief’s back.

Spend some Sleepless Nights as you take a turn through these thrilling tales of mystery and suspense.


Copyright 2014 Angella Jacob. All rights reserved.